250, park villa, near big market, Newyork

"South glory illusion! !” Yang night shouted one, and with the scorching sun behind him, Monsieur beaucaire Ling had moved his body and quickly drew an arrow to shoot his body at the black domain master.

"South glory illusion! !” Yang night shouted one, and with the scorching sun behind him, Monsieur beaucaire Ling had moved his body and quickly drew an arrow to shoot his body at the black domain master.

No brewing, no words to stimulate Nan Rong’s illusion impulse, which opened the prelude to the war.
Even if Nan Rong Magic doesn’t rush out first, both sides can’t stand it for long. After all, it’s impossible to sit down and negotiate, right?
One side wins and one side loses.
One side lives and the other side dies.
Fighting is the only choice.
Black domain master shouted at the group of Yin monks behind him with a wave of his hand, "Go! Kill the night attack of the bone family! "
Friar Yin, this group of girls looked at each other, and no one dared to move. They also saw that Nan Rong Magic easily defended Wang Yunshi’s attack, and they clearly knew that they would not be rivals of Nan Rong Magic together.
Die? I am a woman!
See these death-fearing Yin monks actually don’t move. The black domain master frowned and made a look at the smoke clan floating in Hunan.
Smokers floating in Hunan nodded, turned around and waved his arm, and a thick smoke emanated like life. It twisted rapidly around a monk of Yin nationality and instantly surrounded her neck. Then the smoke line actually tightened in an instant, and the monk of Yin nationality’s head was shocked!
This monk Yin clan is afraid of the smoke clan floating Xiang, smiling and staring at one by one, crustily skin of head.
I can’t escape, I can’t hide, but it’s in the hands of the black domain master. That would be too painful. I might as well let that bone clan attack me at night and have a good time!
These Yin monks screamed and rushed after committing suicide.
Woman voice? South glory magic one leng sprint speed is also slow, and at this time a few Yin monks have posed for the formation to each other in pairs, holding their arms symmetrically and rushing to South glory magic in the same posture.
The line of sight in the seawater is not clear. Nan Rong Phantom didn’t see clearly for a moment, but he still wondered that these women’s voices were masked with Yin monks. Of course, he wouldn’t know that every Yin monk was dragging an invisible silk thread in his hand. The silk thread was sharper than the silk thread straightened in pairs, which means that he could not see the blade …
Just when Nan Rong Magic was a little confused, two Yin monks had almost come to him, but they were not in direct conflict, but a left and a right show was to rush from both sides of Nan Rong Magic, and those sharp silk threads pulled their hands.
"Bang" one
The two Yin monks were burnt to coke before they arrived at Nanrong Magic, straightened their bodies and fell straight to the bottom of the deep sea.
The hot sun has arrived at the south glory magic side low shouted a "hesitate? Do you still hesitate to fight? "
"Female …" South glory illusion just spit out a word has been interrupted by the hot sun "female fart! Mother! That’s the enemy! That’s the Yin clan! Do it quickly! "
Nan Rong Phantom suddenly wakes up and makes sure that those Yin monks in front of him are the masters of the black domain! What’s wrong with women? Women are also good or bad! Kill!
So the two osteotome stretched to the left and right, and the blades were facing the south, and their eyes were cold, and they went straight to those yin monks in pairs.
The sea stirred and several white lights flashed rapidly.
There are a few pairs of Yin monks left, so in the blink of an eye, they have been killed, and even the screams have not come, and they have fallen straight into the bottom of the sea.
In the blink of an eye, seven Yin monks were killed, which surprised the Lord of the Black Domain again.
Why is this bone clan so powerful at night? What the hell happened to him?
He was surprised by the south glory illusion and the scorching sun, but he didn’t stop and went straight for the accelerating, which made the black domain master and the orc Wang Yunshi in front of him feel a little flustered.
Just as the scorching sun and Monsieur beaucaire Ling rushed out with the south glory illusion, Xiahou Chaojun also jumped to Yang Ye’s side to raise my hand and clap his shoulder and shouted in a low voice, "Red Bi to miracle! This is your only purpose! "
"What? Now? " Yang night was stupefied, and then wait for a while smiled, and his left arm shook "Shua". A hidden blade stretched out and reflected the surrounding sea water. "The Lord of the Black Domain is ahead. Can I let him go?"
"Bastard! Miracles are important! If you don’t lose this opportunity now, everything will be meaningless! " Xiahou toward jun yelled mercilessly stare at Yang night "you are not and black domain Lord have hatred! You are shouldering the hatred of the whole race of ghosts! "
Yang Ye was stunned that Xiahou Chaojun had rushed out again and shouted, "We are blocking them. Go to the miracle!" The voice has not yet fallen, and Xiahou Chaojun’s body has crossed a water mark and moved forward quickly.
I’m going to the miracle?
"Floating life" glanced at Yang night and smiled gently. "Let’s go for a good chance."
"That you …" Yang night glanced at the black domain master there to see those Yin monks are rushing to the south glory illusion.
"Red Bi black domain Lord, they just came to stop you from finding miracles. If you go to war, it will be to their liking." Floating life smiles and leans slightly to the lonely and heavy city. "Go there, there will be many things you want to know.
Yang night hesitated to bow his head and frowned. "Let me look for what miracle and what truth regardless of my friend’s safety?" I can’t! "
"Hehe, who said we were in danger?" Floating life smiled a relaxed look, not like a horse going to usher in a fierce battle. "The strength of night attack and scorching sun is now serious. Xiahou Chaojun and Guiling are also masters of the domain … Do you need to worry?"
"I …" Yang night still a little upset.
"Go ahead, I’ll let you go just in case. Maybe when you come out, we’ll have killed the Lord of the Black Domain." The holy family’s floating face is very relaxed and calm.
Yang night finally nodded "shua" a closed the hidden blade red devil turned around.
Floating life at this time but behind gently stopped Yang night "red Bi remember into the miracle to find the emblem of god, you will know a lot, it is likely that when you come out again, you will not be red Bi now, but you have to remember that you are not born out of hatred, not live out of hatred."
Yang night was a little surprised to understand the meaning of this remark, but looking at the holy family’s peaceful but firm eyes, Yang night nodded his head
"I didn’t say that, but I’m telling you now that it’s white. Do you want to know that it’s not hate you?"