250, park villa, near big market, Newyork

"I told you to touch your head. How did you touch my milk?"

"I told you to touch your head. How did you touch my milk?"

"eh? It seems that your ability is not purely a matter of practice. Let’s come again. " Xiao Wu said shamelessly that this time he was going to touch that unseen place in Tang Lan, and he was going to carry out his shamelessness to the end.
Tang Lan said shyly, "If you don’t come, you must have done it on purpose. If you come again, you may touch me again. I won’t let you succeed."
Xiao Wu is speechless.
Tang Lan added, "I’m thinking that I can only control some low-level creatures, such as fish and puppies. I’ll use them to do experiments for you."
Xiao Wuqi said, "Do you mean you can make fish float from the sea?"
"Not only can I make them float, but I can also make them swim in the direction I instructed." Tang Lan was proud again. She moved her red eyes to the blue sea.
Xiao Wu also stared straight at Tang Lan’s view of the sea. After a while, there were ripples and countless bubbles on the calm sea.
When the bubbles disappeared, a group of strange fish appeared in the eyes of Tang Lan and Xiao Wu. These fish are like tadpoles magnified countless times. Their heads are almost as big as babies’ heads, but their bodies are only as thick as people’s wrists.
"What kind of fish is this?" Xiao Wu asked.
Tang Lan also shook his head in confusion. "I don’t know. I’ve never seen such fish. They look so strange."
Xiao Wu said, "Didn’t you say you could control their movements? You try to make them go around the rubber boat. "
Tang Lan once again gave orders in her mind, but instead of carrying out her orders, a group of strange fish flocked to the front row of strange fish in the rubber dinghy and opened their mouths to bite them before they leaned on the rubber dinghy. The teeth were just sharp serrations!
Xiao Wu didn’t want to take out the cold iron stick and smashed it in the past.
Stranger things gave birth to those strange fish, who seemed to feel the threat from the cold iron stick. Before Xiao Wu’s stick hit the sea, they dived sensitively.
Tang Lan said with trepidation, "They, where are they?"
Xiao Wu suddenly embraced Tang Lan and jumped on the cold iron rod, and the dragon scales flashed, and the cold iron rod flew into the sky. At this time, the rubber boat on the sea suddenly exploded and then sank to the bottom of the water. On the sea, there are more strange fish, and the number of them is countless.
Xiao Wu and Tang Lan’s eyes fell on the center of the strange fish school at the same time, and there suddenly appeared a strange fish head twice as big as the sperm whale!
"my god!" Xiao Wu’s big mouth can’t close properly any more. If he is late again, the strange fish leader will surely swallow his stomach with people and rubber boats.
Tang Lan is even worse. She holds Xiao Wu’s waist tightly for fear that if she is not careful, she will fall off the cold iron bar.
The strange fish leader lifted up his head and demonstrated to Xiao Wu and Tang Lan with two huge water columns. The head of the strange fish is not a whale. Its water spray column is purely sprayed with the strength of its big mouth, but it is this "mouth force" that startled Xiao Wu because he and Tang Lan are at an altitude of at least 30 meters, but the water column sprayed by the head of the strange fish is far higher than this distance. If it is not avoided in time, he and Tang Lan will definitely be sprayed.
The strange fish leader and Xiao Wu confronted each other for a while and then turned to Takanashi. In the past, those little strange fish also turned around and followed behind the strange fish leader to go to Takanashi. The scene was simply an invincible general with his army returning home in triumph.
"Lao Xiao, let’s go home." Although strange fish swam away, Tang Lan still held Xiao Wu tightly.
"No," Xiao Wu suddenly said, "Let’s go and have a look."
Tang Lan whispered, "They will be worried if we leave for too long. Why don’t we go back and ask them to come with us?"
"Once the strange fish leader disappeared, let’s talk about it." Xiao Wu laughed. "It’s rare to have time for us to stay alone. How about making love after we see what the strange fish is doing?"
Tang Lan’s pretty face suddenly became a ripe red apple.
Xiao Wu ha ha a smile driving a cold iron stick to catch up.
The leader of the strange fish soon found Xiao Wu, who was chased from the air, but he didn’t make any response and still led his strange fish army to Takanashi.
The island soon appeared in front of Xiao Wu’s eyes, as it was at first seen. It was like a steamed bread rising from the sea, and what was even more bizarre was that the whole island had an area of nearly five square kilometers, but there was no tree or grass, and it was a desolate blue rock landform.
Blue sea blue island strange fish Everything is so strange that Xiao Wuyue is confused. He thinks there must be something unusual in this place, but he can’t even find a feeling where it is unusual.
As soon as he approached the island, the strange fish leader dived into the sea, and other small strange fish also dived, and the sea was calm again.
Tang Lan said uneasily, "Lao Xiao, let’s go back. This place is too strange."
Xiao Wu said, "We’re all here. Let’s go to the island and have a look."
The purpose of Fox Mountain is to board this small island, so what preparations does he have to make? But the island is just around the corner, and Xiao Wu can’t wait to see it.
Long Lin surging cold iron bars carrying Xiao Wu and Tang Lan landed on a stone beach on the island.

Chapter eighty-eight Weak water
As soon as I set foot on the island, a strange feeling flooded Xiao Wu’s whole body, but when I think about it, he couldn’t capture it.
Walking along the stone beach to the center of the island, Xiao Wu soon found a strange phenomenon, that is, these blue rocks all contain the magical substances like Long Lin that Long Lin jade once absorbed, and they shimmer slightly to form an extremely strange and spectacular scene.
Tang Lan sincerely praised: "It’s so beautiful. Lao Xiao knew we were coming here, so I brought a camera."
Xiao Wu didn’t even hear what Tang Lan was saying. He walked quickly to the outside of the stone beach. Tang Lan nutcracker followed Xiao Wu to the outside of the stone beach.
When a stone beach comes out, it is an inclined and straight terrain. Because it is a seamless steamed bread shape, that is, an oval huge hill, it is the same no matter where you climb.
However, before stepping on the hillside, the flashing materials distributed on the stone beach suddenly flew in, and a thick isolation line was embedded at the bottom of the hillside in an instant. Xiao Wu looked around for a moment, and the isolation line was too long to see the end.
Xiao Wu stood motionless, but Tang Lan took a curious step toward the flashing isolation line.
It’s understandable that women like shiny things, but Tang Lan liked it wrong this time. As soon as her feet stepped into the scope of the isolation line, they were immediately bounced by a huge force.
Xiao Wu quickly jumped up and hugged Tang Lan. "Are you hurt?"
"No, nothing." Say so, but Tang Lan’s face was scared out of color.
Xiao Wu put Tang Lan down and he also walked over to the isolation line.
Tang Lan said urgently, "Lao Xiao, what are you doing?"
Xiao Wu said, "I’ll try."
"Don’t try the danger!" Tang Lan tried to stop Xiao Wu, but when she said this sentence, one foot of Xiao Wu had already crossed the isolation line.
"Hey? How can I get there? " Shaw five suspicious asked him and tried to take the other foot in the past. As a result, he stood on the other side of the isolation line without any discomfort.
Xu Qingqing said strangely, "Is there a time limit for this line? When I pass it, I just don’t let you pass it, but it’s time to pass it?"
"You try again." Xiao Wu withdrew from the isolation line and stood behind Tang Lan again. If this isolation line is limited in time as Tang Lan said, then he can cross Tang Lan naturally.
Tang Lan nodded again to the isolation line.
With a thud, Tang Lan was once again bounced by the magical power of the isolation line. This time, the strength was obviously several times that of the first time, which made Tang Lan unable to help but let out a miserable cry and spit out one mouthful blood.
"Where did you get hurt?" Shaw five hugged Tang Lan just now that seems to be playing on him rather than Tang Lan.
"I … have nothing to cough." Talking Tang Lan corners of the mouth and poured out a stream of blood.
When his wife was injured, Xiao Wu flew into a rage, and he rushed to the isolation line. He also wanted to experience the feeling that the isolation line bounced him and smashed it with a stick. But this time, he rushed across the isolation line without feeling, and he tried to smash it with a cold iron stick, but he couldn’t find a place to start. Because those shining magical substances were tiny dust, he could only smash the ground if he insisted.
Shaw five back out again and returned to Tang Lan’s side "or …"
"I’m not going," Tang Lan quickly interrupted Xiao Wu. "This isolation line seems to know you and only let you go. I can’t go there, and if I go there once, its rebound will increase several times, and if I go there again, I may die."