250, park villa, near big market, Newyork

The divine world is a different life, where people are called gods, and each of them is a top power with powerful cosmic power that can incarnate the stars in the universe.

The divine world is a different life, where people are called gods, and each of them is a top power with powerful cosmic power that can incarnate the stars in the universe.

After only a short contact with Rivers, I realized the strength of the divine world, which was beyond the extreme peak of imagination and greatly expanded Molin’s vision
Even the high-spirited Zhu Pingman pulled Mo Lin and muttered in a low voice, "This guy is very strong and endless …"
Molin nodded. He heard Rivers say that the real world is a place to accept all the strong, and every strong person will automatically enter the world when he reaches the extreme and breaks through the limit.
This became a goal of Molin, and he thought to himself how to practice in order to enter the divine world.
Perhaps some of the predecessors, Tuoba Yu, once had limited access to the celestial world, but unfortunately destroyed the seven star arrays of seven big families. Now Molin secretly thinks that one day he will break through the limit and go to the celestial world to have a look.
Rivers also appreciates Molin. He can see that the young man in front of him has great potential, and maybe he can enter the divine world one day.
Rivers’ wings flapped and flew very fast, and Molin kept pace with him and tried to catch up with him.
Behind the front of the two men’s flight was Zhu Pingman and others to ensure that An Liansun and Hu Ling Night came together and were divided by Helmus.
"How long will it take to get to Zhudao at the current speed?" Rivers asked that he seemed very relaxed compared to trying to keep pace with him at high speed.
Molin said, "It will take about an hour to get to Zhudao, where the seven powerful families should all gather. We can help Helmus to catch him urgently with bait."
"Good," Rivers smiled. "We will catch him soon."
Merlin, however, expressed a little concern. "I think that Helmus is a very cunning figure. What if he doesn’t do it properly?"
"He has no choice but to devour the strength of the strong, because I have sealed the door of the divine world," Rivers said with great confidence.
Molin nodded and temporarily believed that Rivers’ words continued to fly away to Zhudao.
At the same time, Helmus also came to the front of the great desert gods.
In front of his door, he tried to gather strength to blow the seal of the celestial door.
The seal was slightly waved without any damage.
Helmus slumped back and was furious.
"It’s too bad that I was stared at by the inspector after swallowing a guy. Now I can’t solve the seal. What should I do?" He wondered.
"Rivers is not a fool. He is afraid that all the strong people in this continent will be protected by him. If he rashly moves, he may fall into his trap." Helmus is really not a reckless fool, as Molin thought. He will plan carefully before making a plan.
"It seems that there is a stupid way." Holmes thought about it and suddenly grinned. "This is Rivers. You force those poor people to be your head."
He talked to himself like this, and his figure disappeared in different speeds, searching for the breath of human habitation and preparing for a tragic humanitarian massacre.
Molin of Zhudao and Luo Sandy have already described this experience in detail before the moonlight, which worries the three girls.
Very not easy to sleep on Yao Linghu purple also informed discretion to Mo Lin and Luo Sandy left two people alone when they naturally won’t wave this beautiful scenery.
"Maureen, do you think that Holmes will be a pawn?" Los Sandy leaned over and sniffed a beautiful flower, which was white and flawed, and the moonlight was particularly elegant and as beautiful as Los Sandy.
Molin stretched out his hand to pick the flowers, but was stopped by Luo Sandy’s soft grasp of his wrist.
"Why do you want to pick the flowers?" Luo Sandy lightly chastised.
"Don’t you like it?" Molin doubts
"If you like it, you will get the world. Isn’t it going to be a mess? If you like it, you will watch it quietly and look forward to it for a long time, so there won’t be so many disputes." Luo Sandy Youdao and Mo Lin have experienced many twists and turns together, and she has also learned a lot about life.
Mo Lin couldn’t help wondering the meaning in the words. He couldn’t help laughing. "What you said makes sense. It suddenly occurred to me that if the pursuit of budo is too persistent and ignores the love for budo, it’s just a matter of abandoning the end, even if you get the world’s strongest power, you may not be happy."
"It’s good for you to be white. I often wonder when we can live a relaxed and happy life." Luo Sandy said with emotion, "After the Dragon Ball just ended and a Helmos came, maybe there will be some white Helmos green Helmos …"
Mo Lin holds Luo Sandy’s fingers and gently slides the back of her hand. "We are Mohist spirits from primary school and just like to meddle in these affairs."
Luo Sandy gave Mo Lin a smile. "Yes, we just can’t help people …"
"But didn’t I once say that if innocence becomes peaceful, we will find a prosperous city and let Liejing have a big restaurant, and I will be his hand?" Molin laughed.
Luo Sandy also giggled. "I don’t know what it will be like if you wear a chef’s clothes. I guess it must be silly."
"What, am I stupid?" Mo Lin touched his face and put on a thoughtful question
Los Sandy was all smiles and all smiles, but suddenly it occurred to me that this was not too unfair, so he lamented Molin’s "asking you to tease me"
Molin pulled Los Sandy into her arms, and the atmosphere became a little ambiguous.
"What are you doing?" Los Sandy sounds as subtle as mosquitoes. Mo Lin has to put his head closer to hear clearly.
So the two people get closer together, and suddenly they can smell each other’s body, which is that they have long been familiar with each other. The smell is full of peace and love, which attracts each other and makes them regret each other’s waiting.
Chapter 46 After the yellowbird