250, park villa, near big market, Newyork

Jade jade knife is cold, dense, green and radiant, like a blue sea and a deep lake. When I start with the sword, the whole person seems to be excited, and his eyes are shining and his domineering is amazing.

Jade jade knife is cold, dense, green and radiant, like a blue sea and a deep lake. When I start with the sword, the whole person seems to be excited, and his eyes are shining and his domineering is amazing.

"What a jade knife! Wait for me to grab it and install the thunder to hide and play. By the way, I’m going to grab all the five mountain magic weapons. I’m going to grab the left hand knife and the right hand axe with dragon blood on the back and a sword wrapped around my waist. That must be a natural enemy." Gong Yu laughed wildly.
Li Jiuyang was so angry that he shouted, "You can go to Yin to do these dreams again." He said that the knife in his hand was shaken and layered with green phosphorescence, and the knife gas was mixed with Li Jiuyang’s mighty throat power to cut Raizo’s head and body joint.
I can’t help but say that Li Jiuyang has experienced many battles. He has seen that Raizo’s physical strength is stronger than even his psionic strength. I’m afraid he can’t hurt Lei Zang. If he wants to win, he must find Raizo’s weakness, and Li Jiuyang’s choice is Raizo’s body connection. He thinks that is Raizo’s weakness.
"Come on," but I didn’t panic when I saw the blade body in the public voice.
Raizo’s hands came out to reveal the flaw with Li Jiuyang’s attack.
"when!" It’s a pity that Raizo’s head is cut like mud with a jade knife, but it’s like an egg touching a stone. Although it’s not fatal, this misjudgment is enough to bring death.
The wheel saw "brushed" and the steel claws swept obliquely came from the beginning to the end, and they caught Li Jiuyang in the cover.
Li Jiuyang missed a knife and knew that it was not good. Immediately, poor spirits broke out all over to protect his body. At the same time, the blade rotated and several knife shadows protected his vital parts like windmills.
Li Jiuyang’s idea is good. He tries to protect himself and is confident that he can get away from Raizo safely, and then slowly try to defeat the enemy.
It’s a pity that Li Jiuyang didn’t know that Gongyu’s tactics are often surprisingly sharp, but he turned a blind eye to the steel claw and made a clanging sound with the blade.
The jade jade knife cuts the steel claw and explodes the fire, and the wheel saw also cuts it in time to cut Li Jiuyang. He is in a hurry and brandishes the knife to block the wheel saw, and a layer of cold sweat oozes from his back.
It happened that at this moment, Raizo suddenly hit a small door in his chest and a light shot out in the middle of the hair to guard against Li Jiuyang’s other.
Li Jiuyang was beaten red-handed and snorted and overturned.
Before Raizo approached, Bigfoot raised his foot and stepped heavily on it "bang" to step on Li Jiuyang’s head like a broken watermelon.
The two sides have already identified the outcome in a short time, and it is still such a tragic ending, which not only makes Gong Yu laugh wildly throughout the hundred soldiers city, but also makes all the soldiers who witnessed it tremble with fear.
Watched home five mans magic a jade knife was Raizo grasp into the hands of military strategists brothers although fear but still firmly formed the appearance surrounded by never allow magic to fall into the hands of Raizo.
If Raizo takes the jade jade knife away, it will be a disgrace to the military, fearing that the military family will never be ashamed to appear in front of his family again.
Gong Yu laughed wildly and let Raizo’s steel claws hold the jade jade knife tightly, waving it and passing a blue light.
The jade jade knife whined like a human whine, and everyone knew that it must be the death of the owner of the weapon soul in the jade knife and cried.
"Brothers fight with him!" Linghu Cong was also afraid, but still put together all the bloody yelling and rushed to Raizo.
Lotus flower screams high into the sky, and the bodies are poured into the mud and turned into paste.
Raizo is invincible when he enters the country, and the jade knife has become his accomplice.
Linghucong was stripped of half of his body by a jade knife and cried for a long time before he died. His horror frightened others and finally he could not bear to retreat to the city.
At this moment, a figure appeared outside the city of Baibing. He was surprised to see a pool of blood in the city until his eyes fell far away. Raizo’s huge body couldn’t help but pick an eyebrow and said angrily, "Gong Yu, this bastard, I didn’t go to see you, but you showed up here. I want the pig woman to take revenge!"
The newcomer is Molin. He came all the way to the Everglades to track Yang Like. When he came to the vicinity of Baibing City, he was surprised that there was a strange smell here, so he came to find out.
Gong Yu and Lei Zang are also sworn enemies of Mo Lin. If you don’t get rid of Gong Yu, a crazy careerist, you will still live in hot water even if you save the mainland people.
In the past, I sacrificed my life to kill the red dragon. Today, if Molin wants to repeat the glory of his predecessors, he has to face the enemy. Although it is not necessarily more ferocious than the red dragon, it is much more cunning and more.
Seeing that Raizo killed several people again, Mo Lin did not consider that Sun Qi was the main messenger behind the Red Dragon Ball plot and flew into the city to fight against Gongyu.
At this moment, a short figure rushed out like thunder in the city, and the light in his hand flashed with a mighty spirit to chop off Raizo’s head vigorously.
Gong Yu’s arrogance can suddenly face such an amazing split and he can’t help but be afraid and busy manipulating Raizo to retreat
Before quitting a few steps, a huge crack with a width of five steps and a depth of more than ten meters was cut by this splitting force.
Gong Yu’s heart was cold and shouted, "Is it Sun Qi!"
"Your grandfather’s name is Lu Ping!" The figure of the man is not tall in his hand, holding an axe that is taller than others. It is the four elders of the military, a monster beast and the peasant "missing" Lu Ping on the day of siege.
Lu Ping’s sudden appearance shocked everyone, not only Gong Yu was taken aback, but even Mo Lin and all the military strategists froze.
Everyone knows that Lu Ping stole the dragon slayer and disappeared from sight. He was declared a traitor by the military strategist. But how can a hundred soldiers city suddenly appear and block the public space?
Chapter 36 Fruit vice
Chapter 36 Fruit vice
If Xu Zhihang hadn’t told Mo Lin that Sun Qi and Shen Hong were behind the red dragon ball incident, he would have never guessed what Luping meant.
Good with Xu Zhihang awake ink Lin is white. It seems that Lu Pinggen is not missing. After handing over the Dragon Slayer to Zhu Pingman, he must have been hiding in the city. It is estimated that no one knows except Sun Qi and other high-level officials.
I don’t know if it’s so good to see Lu Ping suddenly appear.
"Hey, hey, I already have a jade knife, and now it’s great to send me our axe." Gong Yu was shocked and laughed again.
"Hum arrogant ACTS today will let you know that the military commander’s five-mountain magic is fierce" Lu Ping growled and waved a huge axe.
"Good" Gong Yu manipulated Raizo to meet him, relying on an impregnable body to confront Lu Ping’s axe.