250, park villa, near big market, Newyork

Words haven’t finished yet. Yang night has come near with Xi Shi. The two sides are separated by more than ten meters. Yang night is staring at a dark person with a cold face. The guards also raised their respective weapons and looked at Yang night.

Words haven’t finished yet. Yang night has come near with Xi Shi. The two sides are separated by more than ten meters. Yang night is staring at a dark person with a cold face. The guards also raised their respective weapons and looked at Yang night.

A guard in the previous step synthesized the horn shape with his hands and shouted, "Dare to cross the country, assassin! How dare you assassinate our king! Listen! You are surrounded by us! If you want to fight for leniency! Ten seconds to surrender! "
Yang Ye looked back at Xi Shi, gave her a hand and smiled, then turned around and slowly pulled out the sword and handed it to her left hand, holding the sword in her right hand, staring at the bracelet with her left sleeve and silently saying, Please!
When the guards across the street saw Yang Ye pull out his sword, they were not at all welcome. They shouted with ferocious expressions and rushed over with a lance. Everyone laughed at you. A civilian from Yue State drew his sword? See what you can do!
Yang Ye didn’t look back and shouted to Xi Shi behind him, "Back off!" Then holding the sword face and sweating against several guards, Yang night felt the left wrist red and hot, and the burning feeling extended along the forearm! Happy heart called a line!
Just like when the guards of the State of Yue were fighting, Yang Ye’s eyes rushed in front of the guards of the State of Wu, and the guards of the State of Wu moved quite slowly until Yang Ye dodged when a guard stabbed with a sword, and then he had time to scratch his nose and then swung two swords forward and backward. Two guards of the State of Wu had fallen!
Behind the guards were stunned and wondered how this Yue civil servant could have such great ability.
Yang night also froze to see if his blade was actually dripping blood, so he became arrogant and killed people! I’ll show you a taste of my training night! Oh,no. What’s my name again? That’s right I’ll let you taste the red dagger of my official ghost clan!
These Wu guards are not cowards, and they fight hard, stab and cut Yang Yewei with a large number of people. Yang Yewei easily dodges squatting, jumping left and blocking right, preventing tossing and turning straight, turning forward for two and a half weeks, jumping with legs, rotating at 720 degrees, turning sideways, turning straight forward and turning Thomas …
Dodge at the same time, keep waving swords and fighting around. After a burst of swords and swords, the Wu guards have been lying for more than a dozen, and Yang Ye was unscathed except for splashing blood all over his body.
The Wu guards attacked Yang Night for a long time, but most of them were timid when they saw no one of their own. Suddenly, a clever guard saw Xi Shi not far away, so he threw his sword and jumped on Xi Shi.
Xi Shi was frightened. The horse screamed and turned to run, but how could her delicate body compare with the guard of the State of Wu? Just two steps later, the guard grabbed her shoulder from behind. Xi Shi was so scared that her face turned red and her eyes were full of tears. She turned around and shouted, "Brother, help me!"
Never, never, never! When Xi Shi turned his head fiercely, he tore off the scarf from his face. The Wu guard was dumbfounded on the spot. He didn’t even dream of a fairy so beautiful! Xi Shi was frightened, her face flushed, her eyes frightened, and her breath was like a diaphragm. When she turned around, she even shouted. The Wu guard felt a charming fragrance coming on her face and actually looked at Xi Shi’s eyes. She couldn’t control the bleeding column in her nostrils on the spot, and then her eyes turned and fell flat.
There besieged Yang Night, and several Wu guards heard the movement here and looked curiously. This time, the blood column was flying "plop" and "plop", and the few who were left with good physique and strong willpower were also killed by the instantaneous blood loss. Yang Night was a bit rude and waved his sword in an instant.
….. After the sword, Yang Ye stood up straight with his arms hanging down, holding the sword. The front door of the palace of the kingdom of Wu was bloodied, surrounded by dozens of bodies guarded by the kingdom of Wu, and then Yang Ye slowly turned his head and smiled at Xi Shi not far away.
So Xi Shi’s eyes were filled with tears, and her heart beat more and more violently. In her eyes, the man who was willing to sacrifice his life seemed to be particularly tall against the sunrise, and he was drawn longer and longer, which made people fascinated and never tired of reading him a thousand times. It felt like spring …
Occasionally, I saw a comment on "Long live psychosexuality" in the community review literature, and I remembered that it seems that no one has written a few comments on this community yet. Now I want to comment on it. There are leisure brothers who can write a few words and send them to the review literature. My brother gave me 5 ~ ~ 1 essence rewards. Hey, thank you for your support!
The fiftieth chapter "rape Luan with rape beast led the beast"
◎ Yang night took Xi Shi out of the palace.
◎ Take Yang Yequn to fight against the guards of Wu Palace.
◎ Xi Shi Mei Shu helps.
On the one hand, she was deeply moved by Yang Ye’s efforts to protect herself. On the other hand, she never knew that her senior brother would have such high martial arts that he could defeat dozens of superior guards of the other side by himself.
"Leng what? Go quickly! " Yang Ye took Xi Shi’s hand and found that Xi Shi’s hand was sweaty.
"Brother, I didn’t expect you to …" Xi Shi looked at Yang night with surprise and admiration.
"Line line! It’s time to praise me! " Yang Ye quickly raised her hand to block Xi Shi’s eyes. "Don’t look at me like that, sister. You look at me like this and I feel weak all over."
"Brother, you … how did you become … presumptuous today?" Xi Shi bowed her head with a pale red face. Yang Ye pulled her mouth and showed a faint smile. She moved her petite body a little closer to Yang Ye’s side. Obviously, she has completely regarded Yang Ye as a man she can rely on now.
Yang night is also beautiful in my heart! I just killed dozens of guards in front of beautiful women. This feeling is really cool, and at this moment, looking at Xi Shi at Yang night is still a little hot in my heart. Last night, he and Xi Shi did several things from sunny to stormy, and at this time, his mind flashed faintly. Anyone who is not a virgin reader should understand that if he can have a one-night stand with himself, the next day, there will always be one or two unforgettable plots or details that will stay in his mind for a long time.
Yang night is caught up in this kind of effort to remember the details at the moment. Adding that woman to her beautiful state makes her eyes look like water and her manners smell fragrant. All this makes Yang night almost forget her situation.
"Brother, what’s wrong with you?" Xi Shi saw Yang night pulling himself by his side, but his eyes were blurred and his mouth was watering. He couldn’t help but ask lightly.
"Beauty is not! School sister, did you regret last night? " Yang Ye looked at the lovely girl Xi Shi in front of her eyes, and suddenly she was deeply moved by her endless love for you.
Xi Shi froze and smiled shyly, but still shook his head firmly.
Yang Ye watched Xi Shi reach out and put her arms around her waist from behind. "I am willing to accept you as my woman and honestly follow the destiny to discuss with you what environment is willing to support, cherish, comfort, respect and protect you all my life." Yang Ye took Xi Shi’s hand and put it on his chest. "Are you willing to admit that I am your man and honestly follow the destiny to discuss with me what environment is willing to follow me, cherish me, comfort me, respect me and protect me?"
Xi Shi wait for a while looked at Yang Ye for a long time, but what Yang Ye said blushed even more. She smiled shyly and said "I do" gently.
So Yang night held his head high and gently held Xi Shi’s hand, and the two men snuggled together with a sense of rhythm and walked to the main entrance of the palace of Wu. Their feet fell apart and the blood of the guards gathered together, like a red carpet was laid out in front of the two of them. At this moment, the theme song of "Returning Pigs to Leather" seemed to reverberate in the air. The sea can dry up and the stone can rot. We raped the animals and led the animals and led the animals …
Otherwise, how can we say that happy people are all similar and unlucky people have their own misfortunes!
Just when Yang Ye took Xi Shi with one leg, he had already stepped out of the main entrance of the palace, and the pursuers of the Wu Guards had arrived behind him. What’s even worse is that here, outside the main entrance of the palace, there were hundreds of officers and men of all sizes in a short time.
Yang Ye and Xi Shi were besieged and blocked at the main entrance of the palace of Wu in a short time.
Before and after Xi Shi’s panic, he saw a few eyes shaking and clung to Yang Ye’s body. Let alone Xi Shi, even Yang Ye was a little scared. He knew in his heart that once he was caught, it must be born to die, but now the situation is that he is facing two batches of hundreds of Wu officers and soldiers alone. He really has no confidence in his ability.
At the gate of the palace, a thin man with a huge head and figure came out of this group of pursuers, wearing a dark armor like an unwrapped dumpling, and shouted at Yang Ye and Xi Shi, "Listen up, people in front! I’m Huang Qifa, chief inspector of the major crimes unit of Wu Guards. You’re surrounded! You have three minutes to give up your weapons and surrender! "
Hundreds of officers and men struck the weapon shield together.
Xi Shi grasped Yang Ye’s arm shaking and his face turned pale with fear. "Brother, are we so good now?"