250, park villa, near big market, Newyork

Heart-broken ice pupil said a word, big blood gushed from cherry’s small mouth, and sadness and despair made her mind almost collapse.

Heart-broken ice pupil said a word, big blood gushed from cherry’s small mouth, and sadness and despair made her mind almost collapse.

What’s the point of living if he’s dead?
Not in love?
Strangers from now on?
It was all her insistence on principles, but feelings were never controlled by principles, and that love never diminished.
In the void, purple-black clouds condense to the limit, releasing the breath of death. Since ancient times, no one has ever survived the punishment of heaven.
The blood oath of heaven cannot be violated, and the punishment of heaven is ten deaths and no life. Only in this way can we show the majesty of heaven!
"Master …"
"Fuck off!"
Yu Qifeng kicked the immortal around him wildly and screamed at the top of his lungs: "You losers can’t even save my best brother. What’s the use of asking you?" Get out of here! "
Unfortunately, after all, his cultivation is limited. Even if the immortal did not dare to resist, it would be difficult for him to attack with all his strength.
Ignoring his attack, the immortal said in a respectful voice, "Heaven’s punishment is ten deaths and there is no life, because its power is too strong compared with that of the punished person. But if the punished person has the power to go through heaven and earth, it can counter the incredible power of Heaven’s punishment, but it is not lifeless."
"What? !”
"Chen is now less Chinese XuanXian early state, for his punishment of heaven, power is about equivalent to the third-order special physique of the early XianJun attack. At the same time, the punishment of Heaven ignores any magic weapon, elixir and other external growth, that is to say, if Chen Shao can resist the attack of a third-order special physique expert who is a big realm higher than him without external growth, there may be the possibility of living. "
"You … you idiot! Ignore the external increase, the attack power of a big realm, and it is equivalent to the third-order special physique. If you say it, you don’t say it! "
The strongest physique in the celestial world is the third-order special physique. What does it mean that the external increase is completely ineffective?
For example, Yu Qifeng, who had a third-order special physique in the early days of Luotian Fairy, did not have any increase in magic weapons, pills, methods and fighting skills, and relied entirely on the increase in talent to confront the opponents who also had a third-order special physique with bare hands, reaching the level of Ziwei Xuanxian’s early opponents.
Lost all kinds of external growth, talent growth is exactly the same, the other side is stronger than himself for a whole big realm, is there a second possibility besides death?
It is no wonder that the immortals who betrayed Kong Liu on the unique star were not even able to resist under the punishment of heaven, and were directly annihilated by the thunder.
In everyone’s view, this opportunity is equal to nothing, but for Chen Han, there is hope, although this hope is also very slim.
The external increase is completely ineffective and ignores the magic weapon, which means that both sides are facing an early fairy with a third-order special physique with their bare hands. Obviously, if he is put in a regular battle, even if he doesn’t have the possibility of defeating the other side, there is no problem in saving his life.
It’s a pity that the punishment of heaven is different from conventional combat. His abilities in conventional combat have no effect in the thunder of the punishment of heaven.
For example, the broken void posture doesn’t need …
For example, the advantage of opening a dragon blade over the best fairy device does not exist …
For example, the seal seal of the cover treasure is invalid …
For example, has there been any increase in the number of emperor’s extremely open-minded fighting skills and emperor’s extremely shocking mind recording methods …
For example, the increase and decrease of Xuanyin have no effect …
However, apart from his relatively unusual third-order special physique, there is still a transcendental advantage, that is, he not only has a third-order special physique, but also has a body comparable to this physique. This is not just that one plus one equals two. Pure strength attack can achieve three types, and even more moves can be made at the same time. There is a third-order special physique fairy power, which is definitely stronger than the increase of four grades.
If these are still not enough, the corresponding realm of the punishment of heaven itself is a big realm higher than that of the punished. Even if his increase exceeds four grades, the power of thunder is nearly two products higher than his attack.
But in addition to the fighting capacity beyond the third-order constitution, he also has physical defense far beyond ordinary immortals, which will be the last chip to resist the super-order attack.
When the person who fixes the truth in Du Jie, the robbery of thunder gradually increased from weak to strong, but the punishment of heaven was completely different.
The first thunder was the strongest attack, with a total of eighty-one strikes with the same power, all of which were a third-order physical blow higher than those punished. No matter the quantity or the attack intensity, it was far from being comparable to Du Jie’s robbery, which was the most fatal place.
Of course, most people in the place have seen the punishment of heaven, and there will always be some people who are forced to be helpless and violate the blood oath of heaven, but these people have never seen anyone and can withstand the first thunder.
Not to mention the garbage with poor qualifications, even the gifted third-order special physique, in the face of the third-order special physique expert attack beyond a big realm than itself, the result is only seconds kill, so a thunder has ended, and there is no need for the second thunder to appear.
"Maybe, I still have a chance!"
Chen Han’s eyes, like dying embers, sparkled with the fiery light of survival, and snapped, "Today, I’m going to fight for my life in Chen Han, and I’m going to break the unstoppable nightmare of heaven’s punishment and open it for me!"
Bang …
The bright purple thunder, only the thickness of the thumb, emerged from the huge Ziyun with great momentum, and the Chen cold below exploded into the sky.
He didn’t use any offensive and defensive magic weapon. Since the punishment of Heaven ignores the increase of magic weapon and Dan medicine, it is meaningless to use magic weapon. Doesn’t it mean wasting expression?
Besides, using the dragon blade will also take up two hands, leaving two hands to display other attacks, which can completely increase the attack moves.
The magic weapon increase is invalid!
Dan medicine increase is invalid!
The increase in fighting skill is invalid!
Since all increases have no effect, he not only gave up using magic weapons, but also stopped using any lighter, which is the most direct collision between power and energy.
With his fists coming out like black dragon into the sea, he has amazing body flexibility, and his whole body turns into an odd V-shape, and his legs also launch a thunder. Lost the increase of lighter and Xuanyin, although the increase is less than a big realm, only two grades, but the four-style hair is still more than one grade.
It’s not only pure physical strength, but also fists and feet are clearly shining with deep blue brilliance, which is the embodiment of the powerful combat power of the third-order wind source Eucharist.
The sky were to fall and the void was broken. Even if all the fighting power was exhausted, the power of thunder was too strong after all.
Chen Han was blown down like a meteor, but he vomited blood in mid-air, and the ban on the garden ground was broken on the spot. With the rise of a mushroom cloud, circles of air billow swept away, where flowers and trees turned to dust, and the colorful back garden was almost in ruins.
"Chen cold …"
They only felt that their hearts were jumping out of their mouths, and they couldn’t help shouting aloud.
A fairy statue standing beside Yu Yun Feng, hurriedly swung out the fairy power to swing away the dust in air billow, and everyone’s face full of panic and despair turned into an unbounded shock.
Poof …
Open your mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood foam. Chen Han’s hands and feet were dripping with blood, and his skin turned red. Obviously, he was badly hurt.
However, he is still alive!
That’s right!
He survived the first thunder in the face of the punishment of heaven that transcends his own realm and the increase is comparable to the third-order special physique.
He created an unprecedented miracle. For countless years, no one in the celestial world has escaped from the punishment of heaven, and no one can even escape the first thunder. Although it is only the first line of the August 1st thunder, although he has been badly injured, it is already a miracle.
After escaping the first thunder, there is hope to live, although this hope is very slim.
"Still alive … haha, second brother is still alive …"
Yu Qifeng’s excited voice was in tears, and she quickly took out a few pills and threw them over: "Quick! After taking the Dan medicine, the best nine turns to resurrect Dan, and as long as the Yuan God is not broken under the immortal emperor, it can be completely repaired in an instant! "
Others were startled, and the same level of Dan medicine was 369, etc. Although this nine-turn resurrection Dan is the best elixir, it can’t compare with the HarmonyOS level and even the holy treasures, but because of its outstanding effect, it is definitely a priceless treasure. Even Qi Xianer was in trouble this time, and the emperor Qi Youfeng gave her one.
It’s not that Grandpa is stingy, but because this Dan medicine is too precious and rare. It is conceivable that the six pieces taken out by Yu Qifeng are probably all on him.
Chi chi chi …
Just when Chen Han was ready to stretch out his hand and take the Dan medicine, six pieces of Dan medicine, including fairy power, unexpectedly disappeared into a wisp of smoke.