250, park villa, near big market, Newyork

I came here as soon as I got the news today! Now you don’t have any relatives or friends in this huge palace, Sister Xue!

I came here as soon as I got the news today! Now you don’t have any relatives or friends in this huge palace, Sister Xue!

Ok, we had a good talk, so I’ll come to accompany you. Sister Xue can tell me if she has any worries! "
Grandson a pair of know wisely let shinohara snow cried in distress situation!
She really can’t imagine where her grandson is confident!
"That I really want to thank too side princess’ reasonable’! But I’m afraid I’m in a good mood to disappoint my side princess! "
Shinohara snow once again took the tea from the palace maid, feeling better and smelling fragrant tea!
Grandson was zheng twist twist eyebrow fundus across a snub cynicism!
But in order to woo Shinohara’s grandson, I still have to force myself to be calm and shy and continue to laugh. "Snow sister, you are welcome when you say that!
It’s okay to tell me even if you’re in a bad mood! We are all members of our own family and we will hide it! "
To grandchildren want to woo shinohara snow all some eager to show their bosom!
Nai, she was so eager for quick success and instant benefit that everything she said in the end changed its taste!
Shinohara snow has never been a soft persimmon. She put her hand cups on her side and leered at her grandson coldly. "What? Look at the sample and say that you are in a good mood. It seems that you are still not willing? "
In the face of Shinohara’s cold words, the grandchildren will soon know that they will lose their words if they talk too much!
This can’t blame her. Now the imperial secretary and maid around her are respectful to her!
Which directly contribute to her habitual uncompromising attitude!
But in the face of Shinohara snow, the grandson must try to converge himself!
"Snow elder sister, you see you this is what words! I know you so well, how can I have that idea!
Speaking of which, I’m also Snow Sister. After all, Toffee bullied you so much that I can’t even look past an outsider! "
Grandson, bite by bite, sister Xue is uncomfortable when she hears Xiao Yu!
And she make a pretence for a moment after shinohara snow gradually impatient "too side princess you come to the palace to find me something is better than just say it!
Otherwise, please go back! I have something to do. I don’t have that much time to chat! "
Shinohara snow attitude It is obvious that the grandson can’t help but be angry when he looks at Shinohara snow!
But in the end, the grandson still lost his temper and smiled gently. "It’s no big deal for me to come here!
First, I want to catch up with Sister Xue, and second, I just want to ask Sister Xue if she can deny your foster mother after my baby and I are born.
I know that Sister Xue and Taitai grew up together from childhood, and their feelings must be extraordinary!
And this child is also the first grandson of Taitai and I, and also the first grandson of Qi and Chu!
My think of snow sis will not refuse my request, will she? "
Grandson naturally mouth but let shinohara snow face become mysterious as some deep!
She squinted her eyes and glanced at her grandchild’s belly. Huang Yin-li once talked to her!
This time, Shinohara Snow believes that the balance has never been tilted again!
She chose to believe what Huang Yin-li said!
And the grandson, the belly child, is really questionable!
"oh? What makes Taifang think I won’t refuse your request?
Why don’t you give me a reason to solve the problem? "
Shinohara Snow’s face has become scornful. She really didn’t expect her grandson to be so boastful!
Does this fellow become stupid after pregnancy?
Why do you want to recognize her as a foster mother?
For mobile phones, please visit Zhang 764 [Shinohara Snow Fanwai] 72.
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"oh? What makes Taifang think I won’t refuse your request?
Why don’t you give me a reason to solve the problem? "
Shinohara snow looked at her grandson and felt more and more ridiculous!
On the other hand, the grandchild is still a shoo-in expression "Sister Xue, I …"
"Shut up!" When the grandchild once again called Sister Xue, Shinohara Snow was angry. "Grandchild has something to say, something to say, and fart!"!
Don’t talk to me. No, no! Grandson, you want me to be your foster mother! What makes you? "
The grandchild was just about to understand the emotion, but he was scared by Shinohara Snow without thinking about it!
"Snow elder sister …"
"Grandson trouble straighten your own position! Call me Sister Xue. Do you deserve it?