250, park villa, near big market, Newyork

So the store manager and Miss A and Miss B each sat in the store with their own worries, and even their immediate superiors, the boss of the garment group and the sales manager, came in and ignored them.

So the store manager and Miss A and Miss B each sat in the store with their own worries, and even their immediate superiors, the boss of the garment group and the sales manager, came in and ignored them.

"Three fat! What’s going on! " The sales manager came in to see if no one else shouted at the store manager directly.
The store manager looked up with a shudder, and the horse replied with a sad face, "Uncle, I’m finished this time!"
After greeting Mr. Cai, the boss of the garment group, and the shopping mall, he quickly came over and stared at the sales manager with a gloomy face and asked, "Is he your relative?"
The sales manager paused, nodded with a smiling face, then turned and glared at the store manager, gnashing his teeth and scolded 1.
"What happened to you? Who did you arrange for this? How can you seek personal gain! " The boss of the garment group waved his arm and roared.
The sales manager’s face was red and his head was low, and he muttered to explain, "Chen, I didn’t … I did this … before Sanpang did it … I think he has some experience in this field and is a talented person …"
"Talent? Ha ha ha! " Clothing group boss stared at a face of angry a few quick "is what you call this talent! Offended the young family gentleman and lady! Do you know? "
"I … I’m really …" The sales manager was very wronged.
"You you you! Maybe we’ll all have to pack up and go home today! " The boss of the garment group is already furious.
The sales manager lowered his head, raised his hand and slapped the manager of the boutique with his head drooping!
What else does the boss of the garment group have to say? Suddenly, I heard the general manager Cai excited outside the store and said, "You gentlemen and ladies, Miss Nan Rong, are you here again?"
The boss of the garment group quickly changed his smiling face, adjusted a collar and turned out of the store to meet him.
Yang night took Yang Shan and Uniform Xin to walk in front, followed by Qian Bo and Komatsu. This road is another floor of the mall, and even Xin, a female customer, also frequently defends it to the death.
When I walked to the front of the boutique shop, Xing stopped near to watch the shopping mall. The staff department was dumbfounded. Are these the three people just now? Although people rely on clothes to make a horse saddle, this horse will not become an angel unicorn if it is well saddled!
Mr. Cai walked over and bowed to the group boss, and naturally he didn’t dare not know so many faces. He hurried over and bowed and shook hands and said excitedly, "Hello, gentleman! We meet again! " Then he bowed behind Yang Ye, "Big Miss Nan Rong!"
Yang night wait for a while smiled and nodded and said, Who are you?
"Today this matter … gentleman, I’m not quite sure what happened." The group boss smiled politely and made a gesture to invite Yang Ye into the boutique.
Yang night didn’t mention it. It was a gentleman who walked into the store with his head held high and his head held high. He pointed to the store manager and said to the group boss beside him, "Ask the manager about something specific."
Brothers, smash the tickets as agreed! Thank you for your support! ! ! ! !
Chapter 35 "Cool"
◎ Noble legacy
◎ Clean up the boutique manager.
Seeing that Yang’s gentleman looks so ugly, the group boss and the sales manager are all surprised. The group boss hates the sales manager even more, and the sales manager hates the boutique manager even more.
Group boss with a smile secretly stared at the other side of the sales manager, the sales manager is the first time to see that the Yang family gentleman is standing there, and the clothing group boss reacted with a stare and rushed to the front of the store manager and cried, "Say it! Ask you what happened! Talk to me! "
"Big jiu! Uncle, help me! I really don’t know … "The store manager or the dull seat was startled by such a shout. He looked up and grabbed the sales manager’s hand and cried.
"Oh, still relatives?" Yang night smiled and turned to look at the boss of the outfit.
Group boss face a burst of red a white shan shan smiled a turn and vent all anger sales manager body "what’s going on! Who is this? You explain it to the gentleman! "
"I … I …" The sales manager’s face became more and more ugly and he stammered.
"Are you all relatives there?" Yang Ye continued to sneer, "Why do you want to engage in family-owned enterprises?"
This crime is too big. Putting it in ancient times is tantamount to recruiting soldiers to plot rebellion! The boss of the garment group was so scared that he hated the sales manager and his eyes were almost furious.