250, park villa, near big market, Newyork

"Dare not" Feng Ling busy way

"Dare not" Feng Ling busy way

"Now that you are in the Sue home, you can afford it." Yan Gui said.
"Yes" Feng Ling this just should be one.
After he left, Yan Gui led two little girls back to Hele Temple. Su Mian was teasing Zhen Hao to see them come back and laughed. "Look at dad and brother coming back."
Yan Gui was in a good mood and took over Zhenhao. "Is he good today?" After three months, Zhen Hao gradually became naughty and turned over from time to time.
"If you don’t hold it well, you will be uneasy. Are you two good?" Sue cotton touch Ming An and Ming Shou forehead to ask
"Hey!" Answer them together.
Su Mian snorted, "Your father is a lot better when he comes back, huh?" The closest relatives at least didn’t do anything to the teacher.
"Niang! Niang! " Ming’ an is busy holding Su Mian in pettish.
"Well, anyway, your father is in charge of me, no matter which day, let me know that you have done something bad!" Sue cotton deliberately with a straight face way
"Scare them very much" Yan Gui couldn’t bear it.
"Hum" Sue cotton hum a don’t talk.
Yan Gui waited for a while to send the children away, holding Su Mian awkward.
Su Mian was annoyed. "If you don’t want to talk about it, don’t divide it like this. If you want to talk about it, you can ask me to hate it!"
"Be good if the king is wrong." Yan Gui was busy coaxing "Your uncle has"
"What did he do?" Sue cotton frown hate belonging to the family to hold back.
"He sent a pair of twin sisters into Wanjia" Yan Gui said.
"Ha ha" Su Mian sneered "It’s very good, or it’s the most irritating thing to say that one of our own talents is pitted". How dare Su Mu directly take refuge in Wanjia when she knows what entanglements she has with Wanjia? It’s really shameless
"Twin? Is it for your majesty? Will you come out of a disgusting place like Wanjia? I’ll tell you who Yan will stay in the harem in the next year. "Su Mian turned around and held Yan Gui’s neck, but it was not coquetry but a face of bullying.
Yan Gui didn’t think she was too much, but she was in a good mood and nodded "It’s up to you to decide after it’s done well."
"Also after? If I hadn’t fallen out of favor, you would have gone less into the "year of the plug". There is no way to have to come in a batch.
"Ha ha ha! A good king listens to the princess. "Yan returns to his heart and says that he is not a person who depends on his in-laws. It is natural that it is best to say that she will fall out of favor. Yan Gui never thought that she is a woman he likes, or that his children’s mothers think so far away.
"Don’t worry, now that my uncle is like this, let’s just talk about it next year. Don’t, I don’t know the layout of the report." Su Mian’s bowl said
He hasn’t told her recently, but she doesn’t know? It’s all chess at the beginning of the Song Dynasty.
"Mianmian is smart. It won’t bother you," Yan said.
"Well know not to YanKang seasoned road? Are you and I willing to worry? I want to look at me and be a queen. I want to be the most beautiful queen. "Su Mian’s face is attached to Yan Guijudo.
"Natural cotton is naturally the most beautiful queen" Yan Gui kissed her judo.
"It’s almost the Mid-Autumn Festival. What about Lizhou?" Su mian asked
"Dugu rewelding rout they keep it." Anyway, Yan Gui can help, but he will never pour his country’s strength to help other countries fight. When Dugu rewelding is unfavorable to southern Xinjiang, he will just contain one.
"Well, southern Xinjiang will soon have a result, right?" Sue cotton thinking about GongSunSu after you come back to marry indigo naturalis will worry.
"After the spring, there will be results. When he ascended the throne, Gongsun Su will come back and ask you to take your handmaid with you. Just do it simply." Yan said that Gongsun Su must come back when the time comes. Gongsun Su is a meritorious general. Naturally, it is good for the capital to be sealed. Just take his wife away when the wedding is over.
"Don’t mind if I give your general a maid?" Su mian raises eyebrows
"Don’t make trouble and I don’t know about you?" When she becomes a queen, she will have to be resettled once, not to mention a maid, and she will be resettled if she is worse than a maid.
"Don’t blame me for my ambition?" Sue cotton laughed
"The queen can have what she wants. Mianmian Wang will live forever together." He is already a big Yin and will surely remember that the emperor is unprecedented. So what’s wrong with his queen and his eponymous reputation?
He looked at Su Mian affectionately and smiled. "Your husband will support you in whatever you want to do. 55 Chapter 55 Hit your face."
Su Mian also looked at Yan Gui affectionately. It was the first time he spoke to her like this.
"I think I was told by you to carry not to live! Yan Hui, I like you more and more! " Su Mian hugged Yan Gui tightly and didn’t ask him to look at her expression.
Yan Gui smiled and touched the back of her head without looking. "After the identity changed, don’t be the same."
Sue cotton suddenly thinks "report! You have been so gentle recently because you are afraid that I will change when you become emperor? " Will you become afraid? Respect? There is always no casualness? ?
"Do you think too much?" Sue cotton stared in distress situation.
Yan Gui is somewhat embarrassed. He is worried that if he doesn’t want to become an emperor, he will lose her casualness and agility. Although she is already the mother of several children, she is as sweet as ever.
"After the report, it’s true that the report wants to spoil my generation. I will haunt the report generation." Su Mian held Yan in his ear, word for word.
For a long time, Yan replied "good"
When I was deeply affectionate in my life, I saw Tsing Yi come in with a little panic. "Your report is well, the main and small owners met Mu in the royal garden."