250, park villa, near big market, Newyork

I changed my clothes and came out with that wet suit in my hand. The snow was baking delicious roast chicken.

I changed my clothes and came out with that wet suit in my hand. The snow was baking delicious roast chicken.

"You change the ice, and I’ll roast pheasant soon."
"Well," the ice picked up a few branches to build a frame to dry the wet clothes and dried noodles, and then went to the snow and sat down thoughtfully.
"Ice, what’s wrong with you? Are you sick from cold? Let me explore a "stretch out your hand and put ice on your forehead.
The ice gently took off the snow hand. "I’m fine with the snow. I’m a little tired." But the ice is really tired. My body is tired and my heart is tired.
"Then have a good sleep after eating roast chicken. You’ll be fine when you wake up." Yukine is very light, as if to coax a child.
"Well," the ice nodded slightly and looked up at the night. There were only a handful of stars that gave off a faint light, which was pitiful …
Ice slowly opened her eyes. It was already dawn for a long time. She hadn’t slept so long. She was really tired.
Ice rolled over, and next to him, Ice sat up in panic and walked out of the sleeping shed to see that there were still trees. Where did the snow go?
Get dressed as fast as thunder and look for snow.
Bing has been shuttling through the forest, constantly looking for the familiar figure, without stopping for a moment, and still has not seen the snow for a while, and he is flustered.
Snow should be out looking for food, right? Maybe she had already come back. Ice suddenly jumped out, turned around and tried to run back. A man appeared in front of her.
The golden sunshine sprinkled ice and outlined a beautiful outline. Looking at her proudly, her body exudes an indifferent atmosphere.
"I don’t have time, please hurry up here." The sound is so cold that there is no temperature, and the mouth exhales white fog.
Mu Bingxuan looked at Bing anxiously and seemed to guess something. After all, her special training this year was not for nothing. "You are looking for Zuo Yingxue, right?"
Ice silver eyes looked at her sternly.
Mu Bingxuan smiled evilly. She knew that she had guessed right. "Give up Zuo Yingxue. I have hidden her here. You can’t find her."
Bing gave her a warning glance. "Why should I believe you?"
"Oh, you don’t believe it, but I don’t know how long Zuo Yingxue can last without water and food." Mu Bingxuan said calmly that he couldn’t see a flaw in disguise
Bing was ambivalent. She didn’t know if she could believe what she said. On the one hand, she was very worried about the safety of the snow and thought for a long time. Finally, "What do you want?" She still chose to believe, fearing that she would lose a best friend in the world from her wrong decision.
Mu Bingxuan succeeded in smiling. "Don’t worry, I won’t ask you and Zuo Yingxue to come with me." Then I turned and walked to a shady road, followed by ice …
Chapter one hundred and thirty-three Traps
"Here" walked MuBingXuan suddenly stopped.
"What about Yingxue?" Visiting around the ice did not see the snow figure.
"Don’t worry about ZuoYing snow where she is" MuBingXuan pointed to a cave not far away.
"Cave?" The ice puzzle slowly walked to the cave, and it was black and lacquered.
"Snow-reflecting" Bing shouted at the cave, but there was no response. He turned around and stared at Mu Bingxuan coldly.
"Don’t stare at people like this. People will be afraid of Zuo Yingxue. She is blocked by my cloth, and her hands and feet are tied by me. She is unable to answer you." Mu Bingxuan explained smoothly, as if she had already prepared.
The ice sheet didn’t move in and looked at her suspiciously.
"If you don’t believe me, there’s nothing you can do." Then miraculously turned away.
Is it a conspiracy that Bing lost her mind and let herself go so easily? But her head looked at the mouth of the cave again, and her footsteps stopped. She hesitated for a while and walked in carefully, still reading the name of snow in her mouth.
A man in the distance smiled insidiously and pressed the remote control in his hand.
"Swell-"The cave suddenly exploded, shaking the ice violently, realizing that the danger was approaching her step by step, trying to escape, but the cave kept shaking and the ice was unstable. Am I going to die here?
The man looked at the cave that was about to collapse and smiled proudly. He turned away from her and didn’t see a black shadow passing behind her …
The cave was so shaky that the ice fell to the ground. At the last moment, she saw a black shadow coming towards her, and then she fainted in the dark …
Snow looked at the mushroom in her hand with joy and imagined that the ice could not help smiling and walked to the same place with light steps. "Ah" accidentally bumped into a person.
"Right …" Snow was going to apologize when she saw the bearer clearly and then swallowed the word "I’m sorry" forcefully and stared at the man crossly.