250, park villa, near big market, Newyork

Sura was holding up a person, and it really obeyed, leaving one alive, and didn’t hurt himself at all. Yang Yee walked over and looked happy. I don’t know if it was Sura Cong or it was such a coincidence that Sura caught the boss who happened to be just this group of people, and now he has fainted.

Sura was holding up a person, and it really obeyed, leaving one alive, and didn’t hurt himself at all. Yang Yee walked over and looked happy. I don’t know if it was Sura Cong or it was such a coincidence that Sura caught the boss who happened to be just this group of people, and now he has fainted.

Yang night squat down and patted the boss face "ah! Handsome guy! Wake up! I invite you to dinner! "
"ah? Who invited me? What time? " In a daze, the boss opened his eyes and saw the present situation. His eyes stared and he fainted.
"Playing dead? Eat him! " Yang night said, Sulamaa growled. The boss quickly opened his eyes and cried, "Don’t eat me! I have old and sick children! There’s an old mother to feed! Don’t eat me! "
"Your home is really messy" Yang night smiled.
"Sea ghost big ye! Leave me alone! " That boss actually cried.
"Okay, why don’t you tell me first?" Yang night squatting beside the boss a face of interest.
"I … I was hired to kill people on this island under a false … false identity." The boss sobbed, "but … but I didn’t kill what I was going to steal from another island …
Stealing an ore is what our boss wants, uncle haigui. I told you! Leave me alone! "
"Kill who?" Yang night face smile gradually disappeared.
"Kill … kill a bad guy named Li, he and his brother, the island resort, our boss …" The boss was too scared to open his mouth at some point by Yang Ye’s eyes.
At this time, Yang Ye’s head was full of congestion and gritted his teeth and asked, "Who is your boss?"
"It’s … it’s boss Zhou’s name is Zhou Jielun, and I … I haven’t seen it either." The boss looked at Yang night and looked at him more and more carefully.
Yang night in the mind a surprised Zhou Jielun again? Isn’t he already dead? Is it? ……
What really shocked and angered Yang Ye was that this man just uttered the name Li Huai, which Yang Ye said when he lied to Xiao Nan. Did the second person know that Xiao Nan sent someone to kill himself? No way! This is impossible!
Yang night was in a confused mood at the moment. The boss couldn’t figure out what else to ask. He knew that if their boss was Zhou Jielun, they certainly didn’t know who the real mastermind was, and it was certain that the mastermind who kidnapped herself and kidnapped Uniform Xin was the same person!
Yang night slowly got up and looked down at Sura lightly and said, "Sura killed this man and tore up the department for me."
"Don’t! Hero! " The boss heard the panic and cried out, but it was the last sound from his world. Sula had put a paw on his shoulder.
The other claw pulled his head out, and black and red blood poured out of his broken cavity, and he still had the last bit of consciousness to stare at his eyes.
Sura received Yang Ye’s order and was so excited that she danced with her claws and teeth, tearing at the boss’s body and limbs hard until she got into a pile of bloody things. She squatted beside Yang Ye and growled excitedly for praise.
Yang night suddenly lost the mood and took a look at Sura and whispered, "Well done, and I don’t care whether you eat or bury these pieces of garbage on this beach in Sura, clean up the blood for me and don’t leave it."
Sura "ouch" yelled, grabbing the eldest brother’s mutilated corpse and jumping out.
Nan Rong saw that Yang Ye was not quite right and came over and asked, "What happened to Yang Ye?"
"Didn’t you hear? He said that his boss is also Zhou Jielun. "Yang Ye replied coldly.
"Zhou Jielun? The one riding Li Xiang? "
"Either a boss or someone was hired to kidnap me and the boss. I caught him and our family was assassinated," Yang said in a low voice.
"oh? What else? "
"and they’re here to kill a bad guy named Li."
"Li Huai? Isn’t that you? Isn’t that the fake name you lied to that little girl? " Nan Rong was surprised. "Are these people … hired by that little girl?"
"It’s impossible that Xiao Nan is a silly girl." Yang Ye shook his head. "And this time it’s Zhou Jielun, but Zhou Jielun is dead. It can be said that these two times are behind the scenes."
"But who but Xiao Nan knows what Li Huai you are?" Nan Rong Huan Wen
"The only possibility is that the little girl said it and then heard about it. That person sent someone to kill Li Huai. It is impossible for these talents to find a Li Huai on the island." Yang Ye mused. "And what these people just said is to steal the ore and go back to take credit. Then who kidnapped me and Uniform Xin to provoke our two families to kill Li Huai?"
Yang night don’t talk south glory illusion also bowed their heads and thinking suddenly two people looked up at the same time "it’s him! Xiao Nan must have taken those fake ores back to his heart. He will send someone to kill Li Huai when he sees something strange! " Yang night cried
"I told you that the world dares to kidnap the Yang family and the Nan Rong family at the same time! There must be considerable power! " South glory illusion seems to know Yang night also called to get up.
Yang Night and Nan Rong Magic stared at each other and said, "Muming Wind! !”
Mu Mingfeng, the master of the Mu family, usually lives in seclusion and rarely attends social occasions, including the gathering of the elders of the five families. He never attends all the five families. He has seen Mu Mingfeng from photos and never met anyone else.
Mu Mingfeng likes to watch, especially some historical records of big villains and villains. If he can’t get them, he will pay someone to find information and write them for him.
Usually, Mu Mingfeng looks very weak, and his family has always been quiet but gentle, which gives everyone the impression that he is kind and polite. He spent money to build a small garden in his own Mu family house, where many flowers and plants are planted, including small ponds, fountains, swings, arch bridges and lawns, which are like a paradise.
Since Mu Mingfeng was 20 years old a few years ago, Mu Taoyuan, the grandfather of the Mu family, died of illness, and the flag industry of the Mu family has fallen on his shoulders. But Mu Mingfeng’s favorite thing is to stay alone in the garden and see many things in the family. He always tells his assistant Peng Tian to do it himself. In his own words, he just doesn’t want to get involved in too much trouble and dye too much money.
Mu Mingfeng likes to keep pets besides watching. He keeps several pets. He keeps all kinds of cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, lizards, bats and monkeys. Generally, these animals play with him in the garden, but the housekeeper at home often buys more pets outside. Because Mu Mingfeng likes small animals and is unwilling to restrain them, those pets he keeps are often lost and inexplicably disappeared.
Mu Mingfeng gets up early, swims first, then eats breakfast, wears casual clothes, and the Mu family greets him cordially. Occasionally, he personally helps the gardener to turn over the soil and plant flowers, and sometimes he personally helps the maids and maids to clean up their homes and then watch.
Hiding in his room or in the garden, watching the afternoon quietly, the servants will see the Mu family gentleman taking a walk on the grass outside the Mu family mansion with several pets. After dinner, Mu Mingfeng will let the housekeeper put some music in the Mu family mansion, and then go to his father’s room to stay quietly for a while before returning to his room and garden. However, the garden is not allowed to enter the garden except his assistant Peng Tianren, and he will take care of everything himself.
Such a gentleman of the Mu family makes the Mu family like it very much, especially the maids of the Mu family love it more, but no one has ever seen Mu Mingfeng and different * * as if he is not interested in men’s and women’s feelings except watching them.
There is one person in Mu family who doesn’t like Mu Mingfeng, and that is Mu Yangzheng, the second young master of Mu family.
Muyangzheng was born with a little cerebellar atrophy, and the long-term treatment has made little progress. With the increase of age, Muyangzheng’s IQ has stopped. The second young master of Mujia is only a child with IQ of four or five years old.
Muyangzheng didn’t just dislike his eldest brother Mu Mingfeng, but he was a little afraid of him because once he sneaked into his eldest brother’s garden out of curiosity but was discovered by Mu Mingfeng. As a result, Mu Mingfeng took out an iron bar in the garden, interrupted Muyangzheng’s nose and bones, and then pulled out three of his teeth with iron tongs.
Later, Mu Mingfeng said that Mu Yang was entering his garden and was scared by lizards. Mu Yang was crying with the housekeeper and his father, but no one believed that the gentleman Mu Mingfeng would do such a thing. There was no way for everyone to see Mu Yang as an idiot, that’s all.
But Mu Mingfeng is the future and hope of Mu family.